Indian Geotechnical Society - Trichy Chapter was inaugurated on 14th Feb 2014 at National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy )by Prof G. N. Gandhi, then President, IGS New Delhi and Dr. V. S. Raju, Former Director, IIT Delhi. Currently, the chapter has its Secretariat at Room No. C1, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT, Tiruchirappalli. Dr.K.Muthukkumaran, Associate Professor, NITT was the Founder Chairman and Dr.G.Venkatesan, Assistant Professor, Anna University, BIT Campus, Trichy was the Honorary Secretary (2014-2016). IGS Trichy chapter with in short period after its inception organized several workshops, seminars, a short term course and an International conference. It is proud to announce that the 6th Indian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (6IYGEC) will be hosted by IGS Trichy chapter.